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    The Cat's Pyjamas


    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty According to plan

    Post by Kitkat Fri 21 Oct 2016, 10:29


    A familiar expression that is frequently used ironically to describe things that did not go according to plan.

    It derives from falsely upbeat communiqués issued during the First World War, often after a particularly bloody or shambolic operation; with the result that the phrase became associated with official attempts to cover up military incompetence and confusion.

    Such inverted use of language creates a coded understanding between those 'in the know', strengthening the sense of camaraderie among those who suffer from such plans.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty All tarred with the same brush

    Post by Kitkat Sat 22 Oct 2016, 10:38


    Everyone in the group shares the same failings; they're all sheep of the same flock.  This old saying alludes to the methods used by farmers to mark their sheep.  A brush dipped in tar was applied to the wool as a form of branding.

    The phrase is now often used when people feel they have been lumped in with others and judged unfairly as a result.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To beat about the bush

    Post by Kitkat Sun 23 Oct 2016, 13:08


    To approach a matter indirectly or in a roundabout way.

    The expression has evolved from early hunting methods for catching birds.  One team of hunters would approach the birds hiding in the undergrowth from the sides, so as to drive them into the path of another team, who would catch them with nets as they took off.

    This task of literally beating the bushes in which the birds take shelter is still an important part of pheasant shooting today.


    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty By a long chalk

    Post by Kitkat Mon 24 Oct 2016, 15:27


    This is a sporting expression and means to win easily, far ahead of the competition.

    Before lead pencils became common, merit marks or scores used to be made with chalk:  In a game of skittles or darts, for example, individual points were referred to as a 'chalk'; a long chalk, therefore, is a high score.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To blow the gaff

    Post by Kitkat Tue 25 Oct 2016, 11:48


    A slang phrase meaning to reveal a secret, which may derive from the French gaffe, a blunder, but is more likely to come from 'gab', the informal English word for 'speech', which in turn derives from 'gob' meaning 'mouth' or 'beak' (the expression 'gift of the gab' comes from the same source).

    Current in the eighteenth century was the slang expression 'to blow the gab', meaning to betray a secret.

    'Gaff' is also archaic English slang for someone's home, as in:  'Let's go round to his gaff.'

    A more colourful derivation may be that 'to blow the gaff' refers to the exposure of a concealed device, known as a gaff, used to cheat at cards.  This was a small hook set in a ring worn on the finger, which was used by the crooked player to grip the cards.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Sling your hook!

    Post by Kitkat Wed 26 Oct 2016, 08:58


    A somewhat forceful command urging a person to leave; a way, without resorting to foul language, of asking someone to go away.

    The expression is probably of nautical origin and alludes to the anchor, or 'hood', which must be secured in its sling at the bow before the ship can cast off.

    Other forms of the expression - 'Hook it!' and 'Take your hook!' - are also used, perhaps to give emphasis to one's wish that a person should leave and set about their business.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To be on skid row

    Post by Kitkat Thu 27 Oct 2016, 18:55


    An American expression applied to the part of town frequented by vagrants, hobos, alcoholics and down-and-outs.  Hence, if you are 'on the skids', it means that you are on your way to that rather grimy quarter of the city, about to skid off the path of virtue and respectability.

    The expression probably comes from the early days of the Seattle timber industry.  A 'skid row' was a row of logs down which other felled timber was slid or skidded.  Tacoma, near Seattle, became prosperous with the growth of the timber industry, and in due course there were plentiful supplies of liquor and brothels in the town, close at hand for lumberjacks working the skid row.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty The hair of the dog

    Post by Kitkat Fri 28 Oct 2016, 13:54


    This phrase refers to a remedy usually administered to someone with a hangover, after an overindulgence of alcohol the night before.  The theory is that the very thing that causes the malady is the best cure or means of relief, so another drink in the morning is considered by some the best pick-me-up (by others a recipe to make one feel worse, not better).

    The general principle that 'like cures like' comes from Roman times, expressed in Latin as similia similibus curantura.

    The peculiar 'hair of the dog' phrase perhaps originated in the sixteenth century.  Back then, if one was bitten by a mad dog (which was likely to be suffering from rabies), it was accepted medical practice to dress the wound with the burnt hair of the dog, as an antidote.

    Amazingly, this cure was recommended for dog bites for about two hundred years before its efficacy was finally brought into question.

    Me:  Even more amazingly, this mythical theory still exists today and believed by many New Agers and self-styled gurus around the world.  
    It's currently known as Homeopathy

    What is Homeopathy?

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Charlie's dead

    Post by Kitkat Sun 30 Oct 2016, 13:11


    A slang euphemism used to indicate that a woman's petticoat is showing below the hem of her skirt.  The phrase was a useful way for ladies to convey to one another that their petticoats were hanging low, without having to state something so indelicate in front of any men present.

    The expression has two possible sources, both involving kings.  One is the execution of Charles 1 (1600-49) on 30 January 1649, at which the women in attendance are said to have dipped their petticoats in his blood as a way of honouring him.

    The other possibility is that it refers to the habit of flirtatious female fans of the dashing Charles II (1630-85):  they would flash the hems of their petticoats to show how much they admired him.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty On cloud nine

    Post by Kitkat Mon 31 Oct 2016, 12:25


    To be on cloud nine means to be in a state of elation, very happy indeed, or feeling 'as high as a kite'.

    This fanciful twentieth-century expression comes from the terminology used by the United States Weather Bureau.  The Bureau divides clouds into classes, and each class into nine types.

    Cloud nine is cumulonimbus, a cumulus cloud that develops to a vast height, with rounded masses of white vapour heaped one on the other; the upper parts resembling the shapes of domes, mountains or towers, while the base is practically horizontal.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Hucha

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Hung, drawn and quartered

    Post by Kitkat Tue 01 Nov 2016, 17:52


    The correct order for this form of torturous capital punishment was that the victim was 'drawn, hanged, drawn, beheaded and quartered'.  The crime that merited this sort of penalty was high treason against Crown and country.

    The guilty were to be 'drawn' to the place of execution on a hurdle or dragged along by horse's tail.  Yet 'drawn' also ment to be disembowelled, and this was added to the punishment in between the hanging stage and the beheading stage.

    This was the sentence passed on the Scottish patriot Sir William Wallace (c.1272-1305) in August 1305:  That he should be drawn from the Palace of Westminster to the Tower of London, then hanged until nearly dead, then disembowelled, then beheaded and finally quartered.

    His quarters were gibbeted at Newcastle, Berwick, Stirling and Perth.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To kiss the Blarney Stone

    Post by Kitkat Thu 03 Nov 2016, 15:10


    A popular term used of someone who speaks in persuasive or seductive terms; the verb 'to blarney' meaning to employ persuasive flattery, and the noun 'blarney' for 'flattering talk' have the same derivation.

    The provenance for this expression can be found, literally, at Blarney Castle, near Cork, in south-west Ireland.  Set high in the south wall of the castle is an almost inaccessible triangular stone bearing the inscription, Cormac McCarthy fortis me fieri fecit.

    The tradition of kissing this Blarney Stone to improve one's eloquence and persuasive abilities - which can only be done by hanging, with one's feet securely held, head-down from the castle's battlements - dates from the eighteenth century.

    The story behind the Blarney Stone's legacy is that in 1602, McCarthy, Lord of Blarney, was defending the castle against the English, who were fighting to force him to surrender the fortress and transfer his allegiance to the English crown.

    However, McCarthy smooth-talked the British emissary, Sir George Carew (1565-1612), with flattery and sweet promises and stood his ground, much to the fury of Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603).

    It is said that the Queen herself coined the term 'blarney' to describe the worthlessness of McCarthy's promises.

    I just thought I'd add this little snippet in - just as a precaution for anyone planning to kiss the Blarney Stone at any future date:

    (from the Daily Mail - June 2009)

    Blarney Stone 'most unhygienic tourist attraction in the world'

    The Blarney Stone in Ireland has been named as the most  'unhygienic' tourist  attraction in the world.

    It beat off opposition from a wall plastered with thousands of  pieces of discarded chewing gum in the US to take first place in the bizarre awards ceremony.

    Organisers said the Blarney Stone, kissed by up to 400,000 people a year, rates as the most germ-filled of attractions  -  although it admitted it had no scientific evidence to back its case.

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    A tourist kissing the Blarney stone at Blarney Castle in Ireland

    Local legend has it that visitors who bend over backwards to kiss the stone built into Blarney Castle, near Cork, Ireland, are rewarded with the 'gift of the gab'.

    But internet travel website believes those who kiss the stone are likely to end up with something else other than fluent speech as it is so germ ridden.

    A wall outside a theatre in Seattle, Washington, was placed runner-up in the competition.

    Since 1990, tens of thousands of people have stuck their unwanted chewing gum to the wall turning it into a tourist attraction.

    The disgusting act began with people waiting in line to visit the theatre. The wall has been scrapped clean twice since 1990 but is still covered with gum.

    Some visitors have even moulded shapes and faces out of their gum.

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    A woman kisses the tomb of British 19th century author Oscar Wilde iin Paris

    Oscar Wilde's tomb in Paris is the third dirtiest attraction having been covered with lipstick prints.

    St Marks Square in Venice, Italy, is fourth due to the thousands of hungry pigeons who descend on the place leaving behind their waste.

    The handprints and footprints of stars outside Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood makes the top five.

    According to Tripadvisor the historical Hollywood landmark is covered with grime from the hands of countless visitors who see if their hands and feet match those of the stars.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty A pig in a poke

    Post by Kitkat Fri 04 Nov 2016, 13:41


    To buy a pig in a poke is to purchase something before you have seen it and verified its worth.

    The phrase derives from an ancient form of trickery when animals were traded at market and a small suckling pig was taken for sale in a 'poke' - a word shortened from the word 'pocket' which was a stout sack.

    Sales had to be agreed without opening the poke, supposedly for fear of the lively piglet escaping.  Rather, people used the sealed sacks to try to palm off the runts of the litter to unsuspecting buyers, and sometimes even cats were substituted for pigs.

    If the less gullible purchaser insisted on seeing the contents of the poke, the salesman might literally have to 'let the cat out of the bag' (hence that other well-known expression), and the game was up.

    This form of dodgy market trading has been around for hundreds of years, and is referred to in Thomas Tusser's (1524-80) Five Hundred Good Points of Husbandrie (1580).

    The practice was obviously widespread because other languages have similar expressions - such as the French 'chat en poche' - which also refers to the folly of buying something without seeing it first.  The Latin proverb 'caveat emptor' - 'let the buyer beware' - warns against such underhand techniques.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Pig+poke+toon

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty A pinch of salt

    Post by Kitkat Sat 05 Nov 2016, 18:51


    To take something with 'a pinch of salt' is to treat information or explanations with great reservation, qualification, scepticism, doubt or disbelief.

    A version of this phrase, 'take with a grain of salt', was in use from the seventeenth century, and is thought to stem from the popular notion that taking a small amount of salt with other ingredients was a good antidote for poison.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Put a sock in it!

    Post by Kitkat Sun 06 Nov 2016, 09:44


    A plea to be quiet, to shut up, to make less noise.

    It comes from the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, when the early gramophones, or 'phonographs', had large horns through which the sound was amplified.  These mechanical contraptions had no volume controls, and so a convenient method of reducing the volume was to stuff a woollen sock inside the horn.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 K7501927

    Location : City of Light

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cat's Pyjamas

    Post by Stardust Sun 06 Nov 2016, 13:54

    This is one we often use. So many people are noisy these days.  annoyed
    Now I know the origin, very interesting, thanks Kitkat.  purr

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To read the riot act

    Post by Kitkat Mon 07 Nov 2016, 13:04


    Figuratively, 'to read the riot act' is to attempt to quell chattering and general commotion or misbehaviour, particularly in a group of children, by vigorous and forceful pleas coupled with threats of the consequences if order is not resumed.

    The original Riot Act became law in 1715, and stated that when twelve or more people were gathered with the intention of rioting, it was the duty of the magistrates to command them to disperse, and that anyone who continued to riot for one hour afterwards was guilty of a serious criminal offence.  It was not superseded until 1986 when the Public Order Act was introduced.

    'To run riot' was originally said of hounds that had lost the scent, and was later applied to any group that behaved in a disorderly or unrestrained way.

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To run salt into the wound

    Post by Kitkat Tue 08 Nov 2016, 12:05


    To increase someone's pain or shame.

    The phrase alludes to an ancient nautical punishment for misbehaviour by members of a ship's crew.  Errant sailors were flogged on the bare back, and afterwards salt was rubbed into the wounds.  Salt is a well-known antiseptic, so it helped to heal the lacerations, but it also made them much more painful.

    An extension of this phrase is the saying 'Don't rub it in', an admission that one may have made a fool of oneself, but people should not carry on reminding one.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To save one's bacon

    Post by Kitkat Wed 09 Nov 2016, 08:22


    To have a narrow escape, to be rescued from some dire situation without injury or loss.

    This expression dates from the late seventeenth or early eighteenth century when bacon was a significant part of the diet.

    According to Nathan Bailey's Universal Etymological English Dictionary of 1720, 'bacon' was also a slang term to describe booty of any kind which fell to beggars, petty thieves, highwaymen and the like in their enterprises.  Bacon thus became synonymous with livelihood, so 'to save someone's bacon' there took the meaning 'to save a person'.

    'To bring home the bacon', meaning to earn the money to maintain the household, describes the custom at country fares of greasing a live pig and letting it loose among a group of blindfolded contestants.  Whoever successfully caught the greased pig could keep it and so 'bring home the bacon'.

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To send someone to Coventry

    Post by Kitkat Thu 10 Nov 2016, 10:23


    To refuse to speak to someone, to ostracize a person or to ignore them.

    At the time of the Great Rebellion (or English Civil War) between 1642 and 1649, Royalists were often taken to Coventry to be imprisoned.  The story goes that because the city was strongly Protestant and pro-Parliament, the local people would shun the incoming Cavaliers, so when a soldier was sent to Coventry, he would be given 'the cold shoulder'.

    Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon (1609-74), referred to Royalist prisoners captured in Birmingham who were 'sent to Coventry' - effectively into exile.

    To take this a step further, to refuse to have any dealing with a person or group of people as a means of protest or coercion is to 'boycott' them, a term which dates from 1880, when such methods were used by the Irish Land League against one Captain C.C. Boycott (1832-97), a land agent in County Mayo, to try to persuade him to reduce rents.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Show a leg

    Post by Kitkat Fri 11 Nov 2016, 14:13


    The summons to 'show a leg' or 'shake a leg' is a morning wake-up call.  It is a naval phrase and was the traditional alarm call used to rouse the hands from their hammocks.

    It comes from the days in the mid nineteenth century when women were allowed to sleep onboard ship when the navy was in port.  At the cry of 'Show a leg!, if a woman's limb was shaken out of the hammock, she was allowed to lie in, but if the hairy leg of a rating appeared, he had to get up and get on with his duties.

    Later in the nineteenth century, to 'shake a leg' came to mean 'to dance', while in America it meant 'to hurry up'.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty The bottom line

    Post by Kitkat Sat 12 Nov 2016, 12:49


    The main point of an argument, the basic characteristic of something, the actual value of a financial deal, or the nub or truth of the matter.

    The phrase itself is an accounting term, and refers to the figure at the end of a financial statement, indicating the net profit or loss of a company.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To ask something point blank

    Post by Kitkat Sun 13 Nov 2016, 18:51


    To ask a direct question.  This is a sixteenth-century phrase from the sport of archery.  The targets had a white (blanc in French) central spot, so the arrows were pointed at the white, that is point blanc

    In military, and especially artillery usage, 'point blanc' is a range at which there is no fall of shot due to gravity - in other words, a very close range.  (Any projectile from a firearm 'drops' from the point of aim as the range increases, which in turn means that the further the target, the higher the weapon has to be aimed above it.)

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty The back of beyond

    Post by Kitkat Tue 15 Nov 2016, 12:32


    This is an Australian expression, nineteenth century in origin, which is now commonly used to describe any remote area, but which originally referred to the vast spaces of the interior of the country, the Great Outback.

    The 'back', reduced from 'back country' is the outlying territory behind the settled regions, and the term 'backblock' is found in 1850, referring to those territories of Australia split up by the government into blocks for settlement.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Cock-and-bull story

    Post by Kitkat Wed 16 Nov 2016, 12:26


    A rambling or incredible tale; a tall story invented as an excuse, a lie.

    There are various possible explanations for the derivation of this term.  In the coaching days of the seventeenth century, the London coach changed horses at the Bull Inn and the Birmingham coach at the Cock Inn.  The waiting passengers of both coaches would exchange stories and jokes.  The 'Cock-and-Bull' story is said to have originated from this scenario.  The phrase may derive, however, from ancient fables in which cocks and bulls and other animals conversed.  In his Boyle Lecture of 1692, Richard Bentley (1662-1742) stated:

         That cocks and bulls might discourse, and hinds and panthers hold conferences about religion.

    While in his novel Tristram Shandy (1759), Laurence Sterne (1713-68) wrote:

         'L--d'! said my mother.  'What is all this story about?
         'A Cock and Bull,' said Yorick - 'And one of the best of its kind, I have ever heard.'

    Today, both words are commonly employed separately in a slang or vulgar context.  'Bull' is used as in 'what a load of bull', politely avoiding saying the word 'bullshit', while 'cock' speaks for itself.

    A Scottish satire or lampooning story is known as a 'cockalane', which is taken directly from the French phrase of the same meaning as 'cock and bull': coq et l'ane (cock and ass, donkey or fool).

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 220px-StonyStratford_CockandBull

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Cock-and-bull-stories-told-here

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey

    Post by Kitkat Thu 17 Nov 2016, 15:27


    This means that the weather is extremely cold, and although the expression sounds delightfully vulgar,
    it was not in fact originally a reference to monkeys' testicles.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 DSC01736+(Small)

    A brass monkey is a type of rack in which cannon balls were stored.  Being brass, the 'monkey' contracted in cold weather, resulting in the cannonballs being ejected.

    The expression has also mutated to a shortened form, again a comment on the temperature, as 'brass monkey weather'.

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Saved by the bell

    Post by Kitkat Fri 18 Nov 2016, 10:13


    This is a boxing term thought to date from the late nineteenth century.  A floored contestant being counted out might be saved by the ringing of the bell marking the end of the round, giving him the three-minute break between rounds to recover.

    However, there is another, albeit unsubstantiated, and rather gruesome theory to explain this phrase.  When graveyards become overcrowded in the eighteenth century, coffins were dug up, the bones taken away and the graves reused.

    In reopening the coffins, one out of twenty-five was found to have scratch marks on the inside, meaning that its occupant must have been buried alive.

    To guard against this most unfortunate occurrence in the future, a string was tied to the wrist of the corpse, which led from the coffin and up through the ground, where it was tied to a bell.  Someone would have to sit in the graveyard all night to listen for the bell - hence the phrase 'saved by the bell'.

    From the same derivation, we have night workers on the 'graveyard shift' and sailors on the 'graveyard watch' between midnight and dawn.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To see a man about a dog

    Post by Kitkat Sat 19 Nov 2016, 11:12


    This is a very shifty turn of phrase and suggests a desire to cover up one's real actions.  It is the excuse offered if one wishes to be discreet and avoid giving the true reason for leaving the room, the meeting or whatever social gathering.

    The phrase is sometimes used as a euphemism for some unmentionable activity such as going to the lavatory - or worse, going to do something or meet someone one shouldn't.

    The phrase originally referred to betting on dog racing.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To see red

    Post by Kitkat Sun 20 Nov 2016, 11:26


    To give way to excessive passion or anger, or to be violently moved; to indulge in physical violence while in a state of frenzy.

    The reference is to the spanish spectacle of bullfighting and the art of taunting the bull.  The phrase 'like a red rag to a bull' is said of anything that is calculated to excite rage.  Toreadors' capes are lined with red (although there is actually no evidence to suggest that the colour itself incenses the bulls).

    The phrrase may also have blended with an American term in use in the early 1900s, 'to see things red', which describes the feeling of anger when the blood rises, or the 'red mist' descends.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To sell someone down the river

    Post by Kitkat Mon 21 Nov 2016, 15:33


    This expression means to deceive or to betray.  The phrase probably originated in the first few years of the nineteenth century in the Southern states of America.

    Since by then it was illegal to import slaves, there was an internal trade and they were brought down the Mississippi to the slave markets of Natchez or New Orleans.  Therefore if a slave was 'sold down the river', he lost his home and family.

    The saying particularly alludes to the practice of selling unruly slaves to owners of plantations on the lower river, where conditions were harsher than in the more northerly slave states.

    To 'sell' is old slang for 'swindle' or 'hoax', and a person who has been tricked is said to have been 'sold'.

    To 'sell the pass' is to betray one's own side'; the phrase was orignally Irish and is applied to those who turn king's evidence or who betray their comrades for money.

    The tradition relates to the behaviour of the regiment that was sent by Clotha, Lord of Atha, to hold a pass against the invading army of Trathal, King of Gael.  The pass was yeilded for money and Trathal, victorious, assumed the title of King of Ireland.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty At the sharp end

    Post by Kitkat Tue 22 Nov 2016, 11:48


    Directly involved with the action, positioned where the competition or danger is greatest.  The connection is not with the point of a sword, but with the pointed shape of the bows of a ship, which are the first towards the enemy at the start of any engagement or battle.

    The cry of 'Look sharp!' or 'Sharp's the word!' are both calls to immediate action, whether on the battlefield or in the playground; the expression also means to be observant, to 'keep your eye on the ball'.

    Before the days of large supermarkets and closed-circuit television, if a shopkeeper suspected a customer of shoplifting, he would give a coded warning to his assistant by saying, 'Mr Sharp has come in.'

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To be in seventh heaven

    Post by Kitkat Wed 23 Nov 2016, 12:52


    To be supremely happy, in a state of complete ecstasy.

    The seventh heaven was defined by the Kabbalists - students of a Jewish mystical system of theology and metaphysics with its roots in ancient Greek teachings, which dates from the eleventh and twelfth centuries, and from which Madonna's famous version of Kabbalah stems.

    The Kabbalists interpreted passages from the Old Testament based on the symbolism of numbers, devised and decoded charms and created mystical anagrams and the like.  They maintained that there were seven heavens each rising above the other; the seventh being the home of God and the archangels, the highest in the hierarchy of the angels.

    Seven is a mystic or sacred number.  It is the sum of four and three which, among the Pythagoreans, were, and have been ever since, counted as lucky numbers.  Among ancient cultures, there were seven sacred planets.

    The Hebrew verb 'to swear' means literally to 'come under the influence of seven things', while in an Arabic curse, seven stones are smeared with blood.  All of which demonstrate the power of seven as a mystical number.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 SEVENTH-HEAVEN-AW

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Spin doctor

    Post by Kitkat Thu 24 Nov 2016, 10:18


    This phrase comes from baseball and refers to the spin put on the ball by a pitcher to disguise its true direction or confuse the batter.

    It is an American idiom which was first applied in political commentary in the mid 1980s during Ronald Reagan's presidency, describing his public-relations advisers during promotion of the 'Star Wars' Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI).

    These so-called 'spin-doctors' were on 'spin control', their mission being to give the preferred interpretation of events to the world's media, thereby manipulating public opinion in the desired direction.  The spin doctor is now a prominent feature of British politics and business in general.

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To stand in another man's shoes

    Post by Kitkat Thu 24 Nov 2016, 17:57


    'To stand in another man's shoes' is to take the place of another person emphathetically.

    In similar vein, the opportunistic phrase 'waiting for dead men's shoes' is sometimes thought, if not spoken.

    Among the Vikings, when a man adopted a son, the adoptee put on the shoes of his new father.

    Reynard the Fox, a medieval beast epic (c.1175-1250), is a satire on contemporary life found in French, Flemish and German literature.  Reynard, having turned the tables on the former minister Sir Bruin the Bear, asks the Queen to let him have the shoes of the disgraced bear.  as a result, Bruin's shoes are torn off and put on the new hero.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Shoes

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Sweet Fanny Adams

    Post by Kitkat Fri 25 Nov 2016, 16:43


    This expression is ambiguously used to mean either nothing at all, or sweet nothing.  It has a very tragic origin.

    In 1867, eight-year-old Fanny Adams was raped and murdered in a hop garden in Alton, Hampshire, and her dismembered body was thrown into the River Wey.  A twenty-one-year-old solicitor's clerk, Frederick Baker, was tried soon after and hanged at Winchester.

    The Royal Navy, with extreme black humour, adopted the poor girl's name as a synonym for tinned mutton, which was first isued at this time, and for a while stewed meat was known as Fanny Adams.  'Sweet Fanny Adams' became, as a consequence, a phrase for anything worthless, and subsequently to mean nothing at all.

    The phrase is still used today, usually as just the initials 'SFA' or 'sweet FA', which happen to be the same as 'f**k all', from which most people, wrongly, think this expression is derived.

    ~ o ~

    surprised   Now that I know where it comes from, I will never, ever use that expression again.  Evil or Very Mad

    After further research, I found this:

    The true story of Sweet Fanny Adams

    Few people who use the expression 'Sweet Fanny Adams' know of its origin. However there was a time when it would have been recognised instantly.

    When the name Fanny Adams made sensational headlines, creating a wave of horror, revulsion and pity. Little Fanny Adams was brutally murdered on Saturday 24 August 1867. Nothing much ever happened to disturb the rural Hampshire community of Alton: certainly none of the inhabitants could recall a local murder during their lifetime. So Fanny's mother, Harriet Adams, probably thought it quite safe for three small children to wander off alone towards Flood Meadow, just 400 yards from their home in Tan House Lane.

    The crime

    Fanny and her friend, Minnie Warner, both eight years old, set off up the lane with Fanny's seven-year-old sister Lizzie and they were approached by a man dressed in black frock coat, light waistcoat and trousers. Despite his respectable appearance he had obviously been drinking, and the proposition he put to the children remains chillingly familiar to today's police officers. He offered Minnie three halfpence to go off and spend with Lizzie, while Fanny could have a halfpenny if she alone would accompany him up The Hollow, an old road leading to the nearby village of Shalden. Fanny took her halfpenny but refused to go with him, whereupon he picked her up and carried her into a nearby hopfield, out of sight of the other children. It was then almost 1.30pm.

    At about five o'clock, having played together since Fanny's abduction, Minnie Warner and Lizzie Adams made their way home. Seeing them return, a neighbour, Mrs Gardiner, asked where Fanny was, then rushed to tell Mrs Adams when the children had explained what had happened. The anxious women hurried up the lane, where they met the same man coming from the direction of The Hollow.

    Mrs Gardiner accosted him: "What have you done with the child?" "Nothing", he replied equably, maintaining this composure as he answered Mrs Gardiner's other questions. "Yes, he had given them money, but only to buy sweets which I often do to children", and Fanny, unharmed, had left him to rejoin the others. His air of respectability impressed the women and when he told them that he was a clerk of a local solicitor William Clement, they allowed him to leave.

    However, at seven o'clock, with the child still missing, worried neighbours formed a search party. They found poor Fanny's dreadfully mutilated remains in the hopfield. It was a sickening scene of carnage. The child's severed head lay on two poles, deeply slashed from mouth to ear and across the left temple. Her right ear had been cut off. Most horribly, both eyes were missing. Nearby lay a leg and a thigh. A wider search revealed her dismembered torso: the entire contents of chest and pelvis had been torn out and scattered, with some internal organs even further slashed or mutilated. So savage was the butchery that other parts of her body were recovered only after extensive searches over several days. Her eyes were found in the River Wey.

    On hearing of her daughters death, the distraught Mrs Adams ran to tell her husband (who was playing cricket on the Butts, South of the Town) then collapsed from grief and exhaustion. George Adams reacted to the news by returning home for his shotgun, and setting out for the hopfields in search of the murderer. Fortunately for both, neighbours disarmed him.

    The perpetrator

    Later that evening, Supt William Cheyney arrested the obvious suspect at his workplace, the solicitor's office in Alton High Street. "I know nothing about it," said 29-year-old Frederick Baker in the first of many protestations of innocence, before Cheyney escorted him through an angry crowd to Alton Police Station.

    The wristbands of Baker's shirt and his trousers were spotted with blood. His boots, socks and trouser bottoms were wet. "That won't hang me, will it?" he said nonchalantly, explaining that it was his habit to step into the water when out walking. But he could not explain how his clothing came to be bloodstained. More evidence - two small knives, one of them stained with blood - came to light when he was searched. The suspect was locked away while Supt Cheyney checked on his movements that afternoon. Witnesses confirmed that he had left the solicitors office shortly after 1pm, returning at 3.25pm, he again went out until 5.30pm. Mrs Gardiner and Mrs Adams had seen him coming from the direction of the hopfield some time after 5pm: if, as seems likely, he had murdered Fanny Adams during his first absence, had he returned to commit further depredations on his victim's body?

    Baker's fellow Clerk, Maurice Biddle, spoke of seeing him in the office at about six that evening, when he had described his meeting with Mrs Adams and Mrs Gardiner. Baker had seemed disturbed, "it will be very awkward for me if the child is murdered", he told Biddle. Later they went over to the Swan for a drink where the morose Baker said he might leave town on the following Monday. To his colleague's observation that perhaps he would have difficulty in finding a new job, Baker made the significant reply, "I could go as a butcher".

    On the following Monday, whilst searching Baker's office desk, Cheyney found his diary. It contained a damning entry which the suspect admitted writing shortly before his arrest. "24th August, Saturday - killed a young girl. It was fine and hot". At his trial Baker maintained that this entry, written when he was drunk, simply meant that he was aware a girl had been murdered.

    The Coroner

    Meanwhile, a local painter William Walker had found a large stone in the hopfield, with blood, long hair and a small piece of flesh adhering to it.

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    This, pronounced Dr Louis Leslie, the Alton divisional police surgeon, was probably the murder weapon; his post-mortem finding was that death had been caused by a crushing blow to Fanny's head.

    Tuesday evening saw the inquest before Deputy County Coroner Robert Harfield at the Duke's Head Inn. After viewing the gruesome remains, hearing the evidence and the handcuffed prisoners reply when the coroner asked if he wished to say anything ("No Sir - only that I am innocent"), the jury returned a verdict "wilful murder against Frederick Baker for killing and slaying Fanny Adams". He was remanded to Winchester Prison to await the formal committal hearing.

    This was held at Alton Town Hall on Thursday 29 August before local magistrates. Still protesting his innocence, the prisoner was committed for trial at the next County Assizes. A large crowd awaited his removal from the Town Hall and the Police were only able to protect him from the violence of the mob with great difficulty. Baker's trial opened at Winchester Assizes on 5 December.

    Little Minnie Warner was carried into court to testify; the defence strongly challenged her identification of Baker and also claimed (perhaps correctly) that it was impossible for his small knives to have dismembered the unfortunate Fanny so thoroughly. But the defence case centred on Baker's mental state, a sad tale of hereditary insanity.

    His father had "shown an inclination to assault even to kill, his children"; a cousin had been in asylums four times; brain fever had caused his sister's death; and he had attempted suicide after an abortive love affair.

    Apparently unimpressed, the jury rejected Mr Justice Mellor's judicial advice that they might consider the prisoner irresponsible for his actions through insanity, possibly the inevitable verdict today.

    After retiring for only 15 minutes the jury returned a guilty verdict, and Frederick Baker was hanged before a crowd of 5000, a large proportion of whom consisted of women, in front of Winchester's County Prison at 8am on Christmas Eve, 1867.

    Following the execution it became known that Baker had written to the parents of the murdered child to express deep sorrow over the crime that he had committed "in an unguarded hour and not with malice aforethought". He earnestly sought their forgiveness adding that he was "enraged at her crying, but it was done without any pain or struggle". The prisoner denied most emphatically that he had violated the child, or had attempted to do so.

    Poor Fanny's headstone which was erected by Public subscription and renovated a few years ago, is pictured here with her younger sister and Minnie Warner, and still stands in the town cemetery on the Old Odiham Road. It might have been our only reminder of the tragic affair had it not been for the macabre humour of British Sailors.

    Served with tins of mutton as the latest shipboard convenience food in 1869, they gloomily declared that their butchered contents must surely be 'Sweet Fanny Adams'. Gradually accepted throughout the armed services as a euphemism for 'sweet nothing' it passed into common usage.

    As an aside, the large tins in which the meat was packed for the royal navy, were often used as mess tins and it appears that even today mess tins are colloquially known as 'fannys'.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Broadsheet  The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Gravestone2  
    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Sampler
    The Fanny Adams sampler reads:
    The Alton Murder

    The inhabitants of Alton have subscribed funds for the neat headstone to the grave of the girl Fanny Adams who was so brutally murdered by Frederick Baker. The headstone has been placed in the cemetery and bears the following inscription.

    ' Sacred to the memory of Fanny Adams aged 8 years and 4 months who was cruelly murdered August 24th, 1867'.
    Fear not them which kill the body, but rather fear Him who is able to kill both body and soul in hell.'

    Hundreds of persons have visited the cemetery". Emma Robinson 1874

    The colours of the silks on the back are greens and reds and blues and yellows but these have considerably faded on the front. It is all done in cross stitch, with some additional threads laid diagonally on one feature in the top right corner.

    Location : City of Light

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Re: The Cat's Pyjamas

    Post by Stardust Sat 26 Nov 2016, 19:32

    On the other hand, her name remains on many lips nearly 150 years later, even if most people don't know the origin (I didn't, either).

    In some way it's keeping her memory alive and that's the least the girl deserves after being so brutally and horrifically murdered and butchered.

    Poor girl, she hardly had a start on life's journey before she was snatched away.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Sweet Fanny Adams

    Post by Kitkat Sun 27 Nov 2016, 14:49

    Stardust wrote:On the other hand, her name remains on many lips nearly 150 years later, even if most people don't know the origin (I didn't, either).

    In some way it's keeping her memory alive and that's the least the girl deserves after being so brutally and horrifically murdered and butchered.
    For sure, every detail of little Fanny Adams' short life (and her horrific death) must already be well entrenched in the memories of her family and the people who still live in the area; the memory is already etched on her headstone and in tapestry memorials, etc.
    I imagine (and hopefully this is the case) that the folks serving today in the Royal Navy that still use the term for their mess cans, have no idea why they are called so.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Dear-John letter

    Post by Kitkat Sun 27 Nov 2016, 15:02


    A 'you're dumped' note from a wife or girlfriend breaking the news that the relationship with the recipient is over.

    The expression originated during the Second World War and is thought to be American.  The unfortunate objects of Dear John letters were usually members of the armed forces overseas, whose female partners at home had made new liaisons, proving that absence sometimes did not make the heart grow fonder.

    the name 'John' was often used to signify 'everyman' at the time, 'John Doe' was the name givenn to any man whose real name was unknown or had to be kept anonymous, like our 'Joe Bloggs' today.

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty The dog days of Summer

    Post by Kitkat Mon 28 Nov 2016, 11:53


    Very hot and oppressive Summer days.  The Romans called the hottest weeks of the Summer caniculares dies, and not because dogs are thought to go mad in the heat (although Noel Coward (1899-1973) did write in 1932 that 'mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun').

    The theory was that the days when the Dog Star, Sirius - the brightest star in the firmament - rose with the sun were the hottest and most sultry.  It is an ancient belief that the combined heat of Sirius and the sun produced the stifling weather from about 3 July to 11 August.

    We also now use the phrase 'dog days' to describe any period of stagnation.

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty At the drop of a hat

    Post by Kitkat Wed 30 Nov 2016, 10:54


    On signal, instantly, without delay.

    The expression alludes to the American frontier practice of dropping a hat as a signal for a boxing or wrestling match to begin, usually the only formality observed.  Athletics or horse races also used to be started by the fast downward sweep of a hat.

    There are many sayings including the word 'hat', such as 'hats off to him', 'as black as your hat', and 'I'll eat my hat', all of which probably originated in the days when dress codes and social etiquete were more formal, requiring people in polite society to cover their heads.

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty At the eleventh hour

    Post by Kitkat Thu 01 Dec 2016, 12:42


    Just in the nick of time, at the last moment, before the end of the day.

    The allusion is to Jesus's parable of the labourers hired to work in the vineyard in which those starting work at the eleventh hour - that is, late in the afternoon at about five o'clock - were paid the same as those who had 'borne the burden and heat of the day' (Matthew 20:1-16).

    The Allies' armistice with Germany, ending the First World War, came into effect at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in 1918.

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To eat humble pie

    Post by Kitkat Fri 02 Dec 2016, 15:05


    To make a humble apology or to submit oneself to a certain degree of humiliation,
    to climb down from a position one has assumed, to be obliged to take a lower station.

    Here, 'humble' could be a play on the word 'umble', the umbles being the offal - the heart, liver and entrails - of an animal, usually the deer, considered a delicacy by some, although most thought them only fit for the servants.

    Though the word humble has a different derivation, the closeness of the two words could be one of the reasons the phrase evolved as it did. For when the lord of the manor and his family dined on venison at high table, the huntsman and lower orders of the household took lower seats and partook of the umbles made into a pie.

    James Russel Lowell (1819-91) observed in 1864:

    Disguise it as you will, flavour it as  you will, call it what you will, umble pie is umble pie, and nothing else.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Humblepie

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To fight like Kilkenny cats

    Post by Kitkat Sat 03 Dec 2016, 14:07


    This is a fight to the end, no holds (as in wrestling) barred.

    The connection between fighting and Kilkenny cats is obscure.   From the Norman period until 1843, the city of Kilkenny was divided into Englishtown and Irishtown, with much strife between the two.  One theory harks back to a legendary battle between a thousand cats from Kilkenny and a thousand cats from other parts of Ireland.  In the night-long battle, all the Kilkenny cats survived victorious, while all the others perished.

    Another, more popular, theory dates from about 1800, when Kilkenny was occupied by a group of Hessian mercenaries in British government service, some of whom, bored and with nothing better to do, tied two cats to a clothes line by their tails and sat back to enjoy the feline fight.

    However, when an officer approached to investigate the noise, the soldiers had no time to release the cats, so they cut the animals free by severing their tails. The officer was told that the cats had fought so fiercely, only their tails remained.

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To be in fine fettle

    Post by Kitkat Sun 04 Dec 2016, 12:37


    To be in good order or condition - 'fettle' is an old word meaning condition, order or shape.  Nowadays, it rarely appears on its own, being usually heard in the alliterative phrase.

    In the past, we might have heard 'good fettle' or bad fettle', and in John Barleycorn by Jack London (1876-1916), published in 1913, he wrote:

    • Those fifty-one days of fine sailing and intense sobriety had put me in splendid fettle.

    The origin of the word 'fettle is somewhat obscure.  It probably comes from the Old English fetel for a belt, so 'fettle' first meant to gird oneself up, as for a heavy task.

    The word was most typically used as a verb meaning to put things in order, tidy up, arrange, or prepare.  Such as in Anne Bronte's (1820-49) Agnes Grey (1847), in the Yorkshire dialect speech of a servant:

    • But next day, afore I'd gotten fettled up - for indeed, Miss, I'd no heart to sweeping an' fettling, an' washing pots; so I sat me down i' th' muck - who should come in but Maister Weston.

    In Northern English dialects, 'fettle' is sometimes used in the sense of making or repairing something.  In Australia, a 'fettler' is a railway maintenance worker.

    It is also used in some manufacturing trades - in metal casting and pottery it describes the process of knocking the rough edges off a piece.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Gordon Benett

    Post by Kitkat Mon 05 Dec 2016, 11:58


    A mild oath, similar to 'Oh God'.

    In fact, 'Gawd' and St Bennett (or Benet) have been put forward as the pair behind this expletive; St Benet is short for St Benedict.  (Shakespeare has in Twelfth Night [1600], 5:1, 'the bells of St Bennet', possibly from the church, St Bennet Hithe, Paul's Wharf, opposite the Globe Theatre.)

    However, it seems more likely that the said Gordon Bennett was in fact James Gordon Bennett (1841-1918), the editor-in-chief of the New York Herald, who, among other things, was responsible for sending Henry Morton Stanley (1841-1904) to find Dr David Livingstone (1813-73) in Africa.

    Extravagant and extrovert, he gave his name to a motor race held in France in the 1900s, where he resided after a scandal in America.  Such was his profile in society that there is a street in Paris named Avenue Gordon-Bennett.

    In English, the similarity between Gordon and Gawd must have struck a chord.  At the turn of the nineteenth century, people shied away from blasphemy in the name of God and so this curse, which is still used today, was born.

    Similarly, 'Gorblimey' (later 'Cor blimey') evolved instead of 'God blind me'.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Not on your nellie!

    Post by Kitkat Tue 06 Dec 2016, 16:36


    Not bloody likely, not on any account, on your life.  One conjecture is that it derives from a cockney rhyming slang from around the 1930s, 'Nellie Duff' ('duff' rhymes with puff, i.e. breath, that which keeps you alive).

    Another theory  is that your 'nellie' is your stomach, your 'Aunt Nellie' - belly, something that in a more refined age you did not reveal to the world.

    The phrase was one of comedian Frankie Howerd's (1917-92) catchphrases, which he popularized in the 1940s.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Once bitten, twice shy

    Post by Kitkat Wed 07 Dec 2016, 13:29


    A phrase meaning that one learns from previous experience.

    Having been caught out once, one is wary or cautious the next time - and you should therefore learn from your mistakes.

    'He that stumbles twice at the same stone deserves to have his shins broke' appears in R. Taverner's list of Proverbs and Adages of 1539, while the American humourist Josh Billings (1818-95) said that 'nobody but a fool gets bit twice by the same dog'.

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To pass the acid test

    Post by Kitkat Thu 08 Dec 2016, 10:08


    Said of someone or something that has been subjected to a conclusive or severe test.

    The phrase was used literally during the American gold rush, when prospectors needed a sure-fire way of telling gold from valueless metals.  Gold is not attacked by most acids, but reacts to nitric acid, also known as aqua fortis, which is therefore the acid used in the 'acid test' for gold.

    To 'put on the acid' is probably derived from 'to pass the acid test' and is Australian slang meaning to exert pressure on someone when asking for a favour or a loan.

    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty The real McCoy

    Post by Kitkat Sun 11 Dec 2016, 16:47


    This is a common American expression, although it originated in Scotland as 'the real Mackay', meaning 'the real thing'.

    Mackay was the name of an old family descended from the Scottish people known as the Picts; the term appeared in the Scottish National Dictionary in 1856 as part of the phrase 'a drappie (drop) of the real Mackay'.

    In the 1880s, the expression was adopted as an advertising slogan for Mackay whisky, which was exported to America and Canada, where people of Scottish origin drank it and kept the phrase alive.

    In the 1890s, it was applied to a famous boxer, the prize fighter Kid 'the Real' McCoy (1872-1940), and this is the spelling that has remained in use.

    Coca-Cola, probably the most advertised produce in the world, adapted the phrase in the 1970s by describing their product as 'the real thing' in comparison with any rival products.

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty Rule of thumb

    Post by Kitkat Mon 12 Dec 2016, 10:50


    A rough guesswork measure, a calculation based on generally held experience in a certain field.  This rule is distinct from any proven theory.

    It refers to the use of the thumb to make rough measurements.  The first joint of the average adult thumb measures 1 inch or 25 mm, so could be used to measure objects quickly that were close at hand; while raising the thumb and aligning it with distant objects was a common way of estimating how far off they were.

    There is also an apochryphal derivation for 'rule of thumb':  In the days when it was accepted practice for a man to beat his wife, the stick for this purpose was legally allowed to be no broader than the thickness of a man's thumb; it was illegal for the stick to be thicker and a man using such a stick could be arrested for assault.

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    The Cat's Pyjamas - Page 2 Empty To sit above the salt

    Post by Kitkat Tue 13 Dec 2016, 13:24


    To sit in a place of distinction at the dinner table.

    Formerly, the family 'saler' or salt cellar was an ornate silver centrepiece, placed in the middle of the table.  Special or honoured guests of distinction sat above the saler - that is, between the salt and the head of the table where the host sat - while dependants and not-quite-so-important personages sat below.

      Current date/time is Sat 27 Apr 2024, 02:01