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4 posters

    Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll)


    What is your preference for layout of the personal Blogs on the Forum?

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    Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Vote_lcap67%Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Vote_rcap [67%] 
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    Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Vote_lcap0%Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Vote_rcap [0%] 
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    Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Vote_lcap33%Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Vote_rcap [33%] 

    Total Votes: 6
    Poll closed

    Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Empty Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll)

    Post by Kitkat Wed 28 Mar 2018, 13:20

    When the Blog sections were started up in the Forum, each section was created and displayed in the form of a Blog, where the layout is slightly different to the other forums in the main board - (e.g. the avatar is smaller and shows on the left in the posting areas, and basically the posting areas are more compact and .. well ... conventional Blog-like!)

    This question is aimed at all Bloggers on the forum - 5 in total (including myself!).  However, for some time now - only 3 of those blogs are actually active; those 3 being Feather's, Stardust's and my own ...

    So, I guess we will only get 3 replies to the Poll question - but all other members are welcome to indicate their preference in the Poll also (from the reader's point of view), whether currently a blogger or not - and your view will also be taken into account when considering the final outcome - i.e. which layout is more comfortable for reading(?)  (Not sure yet whether it's set up to enable guest readers to vote in the Poll, but if it turns out that they can, then of course your view is welcome too. cat )

    For the purpose of the Poll, I have changed the Blogs back to the Blog layout, and they will remain for the duration of the Poll - 7 days.

    Location : City of Light

    Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Empty Re: Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll)

    Post by Stardust Wed 28 Mar 2018, 19:07

    Yikes, I don't like the way it is today, which is apparently the Blog layout.

    I prefer is as it was before, so I chose the first option, to keep it like the rest of the forum (that's actually how we're used to it anyway).

    Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Empty Re: Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll)

    Post by Kitkat Wed 28 Mar 2018, 19:25

    Thanks for voting, Stardust. tacat

    I have already chosen number 3, although I am more and more leaning towards the old way now (what we've been used to ...).  Not sure if the other vote is Feather or not? ... 3 people have voted so far - you, me and ????

    Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Empty Re: Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll)

    Post by Whiskers Wed 28 Mar 2018, 21:31

    wave   I voted for the first option. 
    I dont like the blog look either.  The profiles information is missing, number of posts etc. and the signatures dont show.  And its just a bit confusing because it starts at the beginning --- if you know what I mean afraid

    Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Empty Re: Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll)

    Post by Kitkat Wed 28 Mar 2018, 22:49

    Thanks for voting, Whiskers.  tacat

    You make some good observations - Noted! 

    Well, I know it's only just been one day (6 more days to go before the Poll is closed), but ATM it's looking very much in favour of staying in line with the rest of the Forum. 

    We must wait till the end of the week though, to see if there's any change in direction - and once the Poll is closed to any more voting (yes, it seems Guests can also take part) - then we shall go with the majority preference.

    Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Empty Re: Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll)

    Post by Jamboree Fri 30 Mar 2018, 00:33


    Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll) Empty Re: Question for Forum Bloggers (Poll)

    Post by Kitkat Fri 30 Mar 2018, 23:05

    Thanks for voting, Jamboree.  tacat

    It's starting to look like a one-horse race. Smile  Looking very likely that we'll be back to 'normal' in a few days.

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