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    29 Jan - Liliuokalani becomes Hawaii's Last Monarch


    29 Jan - Liliuokalani becomes Hawaii's Last Monarch Empty 29 Jan - Liliuokalani becomes Hawaii's Last Monarch

    Post by Kitkat Wed 29 Jan 2020, 14:47

    Liliuokalani becomes Hawaii's Last Monarch

    29 Jan - Liliuokalani becomes Hawaii's Last Monarch 220px-Kapiolani_and_Liliuokalani_at_Golden_Jubilee_(Onipaa)
    Liliʻuokalani and Queen Kapiʻolani at Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee

    Liliuokalani ascended the throne in 1891 upon the death of her brother, King Kalakaua.  Her refusal to recognize the constitutional changes inaugurated in 1887 precipitated a revolt, fostered largely by sugar planters - mostly American residents of Hawaii - that led to her dethronement early in 1892 and the establishment of a provisional government.  Failing an attempt to regain the throne in 1895, she formally renounced her royal claims.
    What well-known song was composed by Liliuokalani?  More...

    2002 - George W. Bush coins the term “axis of evil” as part of his State of the Union Address
    The term used to describe “regimes that sponsor terror” became exemplary for the terminology used by the Bush administration to promote its “war on terror”.

    1996 - France stops nuclear testing
    President Jaques Chirac announced the “definite end” to France's nuclear testing program just 1 day after the country exploded a nuclear device in the South Pacific.

    1967 - The Mantra-Rock Dance takes place in San Francisco
    The event is considered to have been the major spiritual event of the San Francisco hippy era.

    1886 - German engineer Carl Benz patents the first modern automobile
    His “Benz Patent-Motorwagen Nummer 1” was the first gasoline-driven car.

    1845 - Edgar Allan Poe's “The Raven” is published
    The narrative poem first appeared in the New York Evening Mirror.

    alien  Historic Trivia pick - JOHN GLENN'S FIREFLIES
    John Glenn holds a special place in US history. He was part of the Mercury Seven (the first group of American astronauts), and he was the first American to orbit Earth. On February 20, 1962, he climbed aboard the Friendship Seven and blasted into the atmosphere. While monitoring the Mercury spacecraft, Glenn circled the planet three times in about five hours. But of course, he also spent some time watching the Sun rise and set, rise and set.

    And then, the fireflies showed up. As Glenn was circling the Earth a second time, he looked outside Friendship Seven to see his spacecraft was surrounded by tiny glowing lights. Awestruck, Glenn told Mission Control that he was "in a big mass of thousands of very small particles that are brilliantly lit up like they're luminescent." He described them as yellowish-green and said each orb looked like "a firefly on a real dark night."

    Neither Glenn nor NASA knew what was happening. While some might've suspected extraterrestrials, the astronaut believed it was a sort of miracle. However, these fireflies had a simple, more realistic explanation. The Mercury spacecraft was equipped with a vent that projected the astronaut's bodily fluids—think sweat and urine—into space. When the liquid was shot into the void, it froze instantly, and if the light hit it at just the right angle, those droplets would glow like a thousand little "celestial fireflies."

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