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    Invasion of the sex-craved spiders! EEK!


    Invasion of the sex-craved spiders!  EEK! Empty Invasion of the sex-craved spiders! EEK!

    Post by Kitkat Sat 02 Sep 2017, 14:42

    Sex-crazed spiders have begun their invasion of the UK – so here’s how you can protect your home from them

    NOBODY likes to find spiders lurking in their home - but the eight-legged critters always seem to find a way to creep in.
    And as mating season approaches, spiders are desperate to breed in a warm, safe environment.

    That's where you come in - because your home serves as a warm, dry place, ideal for the creepy-crawlies to seek comfort.
    Not only can they shelter from the rain and harsh conditions, they are often undisturbed if they can settle in a dark corner of your house.
    Thankfully, lighting some candles and de-cluttering could be all it takes to rid the beasties.
    Arachnophobes, thank us later - here are 13 proven ways to spider-proof your home...

    1. Get minty

    Spiders hate peppermint oil, so an easy way of keeping them away is to dilute some in water and spray it around your home.
    If you're feeling lazy, you can also buy ready-made diffusers or scented products to work as a repellent.

    Invasion of the sex-craved spiders!  EEK! Nintchdbpict000347806918
    Some of the spiders invading our homes could be venomous false widows

    2. Spider-repelling spray

    Similar to peppermint oil, an apple cider vinegar solution may also work to ward off the critters.
    Mix a cup of the acidic liquid, a teaspoon of oil, a handful of ground pepper and a teaspoon of washing up liquid and spray it in your bathroom and along windows and doors.
    This should deter the pesky bugs from entering your home.

    3. Entice ladybirds

    Invasion of the sex-craved spiders!  EEK! Nintchdbpict000338727579
    If you hate spiders and aren't fussed about ladybirds, this could be the solution for you

    Ladybirds are great for getting rid of spiders as the little creatures eat nearly 50 bugs a day.

    By planting ladybird-attracting plants, such as dill, fennel and marigolds, near to the perimeter of your house you can naturally keep spiders at bay.

    4. Remove webs

    It may sound simple, but regularly checking for webs and removing them is the easiest way to stop spiders lurking and reproducing around the house.
    The easiest way to carry out this task is by using a vacuum cleaner, a soft duster and wiping down your windows and frames.

    5. Get a pet

    Pets are the perfect antidote to pests around the house.
    Animals, and particularly cats, chase anything that moves and will fight off those unwanted bugs before you notice they are there.

    6. De-clutter

    Spiders love nooks and crannies they can hide in.
    Having too much clutter in provides the critters with plenty of spots to seek refuge in.

    Invasion of the sex-craved spiders!  EEK! Nintchdbpict000332042493
    De-cluttering and removing all spiderwebs reduces the number of refuge spots for the bugs

    7. Eat oranges and lemons

    The eight-legged beasts hate citrus smells, so keeping these fruits around the house and eating them regularly can deter them from sticking around.

    8. Wash windows

    Cleaning windows with ammonia and water helps to prevent the creatures from getting inside.
    When the windows dry, go over the whole thing with newspaper and kerosene – the kerosene evaporates immediately but leaves a repellent for spiders, flies and mosquitos.

    9. Use Eucalyptus

    Another scent spiders avoid is eucalyptus, so dot the plant around your bathroom and in wardrobes to deter them from creeping in.
    This should keep them away and also leave the house smelling fresh and clean.
    If you want to kick things up a notch, why not try planting a eucalyptus tree in your garden.

    10. Limit lighting

    Spiders, like many bugs, are attracted to light.
    Keep house lighting at a minimum and turn off lights when you leave the house.
    You will save on your electricity bill at the same time as curbing infestations.

    Invasion of the sex-craved spiders!  EEK! Nintchdbpict000310528221
    Got lots of cobwebs and vegetation outside your windows? Make sure the cracks are filled in to restrict entry

    11. Cinnamon candles

    Investing in a cinnamon candle is a great way to keep the critters away.
    Cinnamon is another scent spiders can’t stand, and wafting it throughout your house should prevent any from settling in.

    12. Fill in the cracks

    Brits that have plant-life that extends onto their property are creating the perfect environment for bugs.
    If you have an aversion to the eight-legged kind, make sure you seal in any nooks and crannies with caulk to prevent them crawling in.
    Covering vents with mesh netting can also keep the critters at bay.

    13. Check the exterior of your home

    As well as ensuring that there's no clutter in your house, reducing the number of sheltering sites outside your property may also deter the critters.
    Ensuring that there aren't any firewood piles, garden bags and compost heaps in close proximity to your home can help to reduce the number of bugs that crawl inside.

    Invasion of the sex-craved spiders!  EEK! Empty Re: Invasion of the sex-craved spiders! EEK!

    Post by Whiskers Mon 04 Sep 2017, 13:58

    surprised  My big dillemma --- I dislike those cinnamon candles even more than I dislike the creepy crawlies!  

    The apple cider solution is more to my taste though!  I can definately put that one into practice  Basketball

    Location : City of Light

    Invasion of the sex-craved spiders!  EEK! Empty Re: Invasion of the sex-craved spiders! EEK!

    Post by Stardust Fri 08 Sep 2017, 15:38

    I once found a whole "army" of baby spiders marching over the kitchen floor. They'd arrived by banana bus and I felt so guilty having to eradicate the poor wee things.

    Needless to say I take a good look all round the bananas before buying a bunch now.


    Invasion of the sex-craved spiders!  EEK! Empty Re: Invasion of the sex-craved spiders! EEK!

    Post by lar-lar Sun 25 Feb 2018, 21:32

    wondered where this was going when I read ''sex craved..''

      Current date/time is Fri 10 May 2024, 10:15